Being Social Behind a Screen

This next sentence pains me to type. I am a social media addict. But come on, aren’t we all in this generation? I use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. I can easily access these through apps on my iPhone (though I do prefer to do my Pinterest pinning on my laptop). I use social media to retrieve news, for the social aspect with my friends and family, humor, and for future ideas. I use Facebook for more of “life updates” since I have a lot more friends on it, which also consists of relatives and family friends.  For example, I will post pictures of my college experience, wish people Happy Birthday, congratulate friends who may have just gotten engaged or had a baby, etc. I use Twitter to share what I am thinking. Don’t worry, I am not one of those people that have to tell you every time I went for a run or to the grocery store. There is always that joke of your “Facebook life” vs. your “Twitter life.” People often portray themselves as more professional on Facebook. I am slightly guilty of this because some of the things I retweet, I would not post to Facebook.


I use Snapchat mostly for the humor aspect. My new thing is to check the new Snapchat filters that are updated every day (screenshots of these also make for great blackmail). It is also great for quick communication with my friends.

I rest my case on why Snapchat is one of the greatest apps.

I use Instagram because I love looking at people’s pictures. I probably post a picture once every two weeks or so. I like Instagram because it gives people a feel for who you are by just the pictures you post.

Pinterest is a whole different story. I could browse around on Pinterest all day. I can go from looking at ideas for my dream wedding to the best beverages to make this summer. I love it because it gives me so many good ideas. I have boards for style, food, dream house, dream wedding, etc. The only downfall to this is that if I pin something I want to buy, I can’t always find the link that will take me to the website to purchase it. I wish this portion of Pinterest was easier, and it had the function to take me straight to the website to buy the product. Instead, I can’t find half the things I would like to buy because it just gives you a link to a blog where the picture of the product was used.

Overall, I have to say that my favorite social media is Facebook. I feel like I can connect with more people on it, especially my family. I can share pictures, videos, and use over 140 characters when I post. Facebook allows me to stay up to date with birthdays, pregnancy announcements, engagements, graduations, weddings, etc. Within the last month, I have found out that my cousin had a baby boy, my coach is expecting a baby boy, and that my friend is engaged. Without Facebook, I think I would still be out of the loop on all of these announcements.


3 thoughts on “Being Social Behind a Screen

  1. Wow you really make me want to try some of these other social media sites! The excitment really grabbed my attention. Would you say its too late to get into twitter now? I feel like the next big thing will be out by the time I figure it all out.


  2. I too am a social media addict, and we are definitely not the only ones! I like the point you made about Pinterest and liking the websites for purchase. This is also a thought I have come across and wish that they had. I will sometimes find something I really like but it is just a tease because there is no link to it. The note you make of Facebook and if you were without it, you’d be out of the loop. This is very true and an accurate feature I use Facebook for as well. Everyone is somewhere else these days, it’s hard to keep up. Facebook fixes that, which I also love.


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